After years of blogging I've come to the realization that it is absolutely necessary to archive some of the news articles referenced or quoted here.
Because, when going through older posts, I'll click on links to stories in the Forward, Ha'aretz, the Jerusalem Post, etc., and find the links broken. The original articles are gone and sometimes cannot be found by search engines.
When I do notice these broken links I often do not have the time to search for the original article, find it, relink it and then republish the affected post.
I sometimes archive certain articles, often adding them to the extended body of posts that appears only when a link is click (or if entry to the post is through a direct link). Before the archived article, I normally have one or more links to the off-site version posted on Ha'aretz, say, or the Forward. And the posts are written to encourage clicking on those links. At other times I will make a PDF of the story and post that at the bottom of the post, after linking to the online version of the story as noted above. People rarely choose to read the PDF when the online version is available. The PDF serves primarily as a backup in case the news source braks the original link.
Ha'aretz and other publications make their money online by increasing the number of page views (hits) they have. This allows them to charge more for online ads.
Sites like drive traffic to Ha'aretz, the Forward and other publications and also increase news outlets' brand recognition. You'll note my standard way of linking to a story is to write, "Ha'aretz reports," or "The Forward reports," meaning the paper's brand name is on every page the story is on at least that one time and that there is one, and often more, link to the paper. This also boosts news outlets' search engine scores, which also raises news outlets' ad revenue. They benefit even if some of their articles are archived here.
I would prefer not to have to do this. But as long as these publications break their own links, there is no other way to be certain the information is available.
As opposed to certain Orthodox news blogs that lift dozens of articles from news sources in their entirety every day, and fill their own blogs with dozens of paid ads to boot, I hope to continue do this only for some stories that are in my judgment too important to risk loss.
I believe this clearly falls under the Fair Use Doctrine and is as such permissible use.
Here are links to news sources I often cite:
Jerusalem Post
The Forward
The New York Jewish Week
New York Times
Associated Press
As always, I encourage you to read these publications and to support them by encouraging others to read them. If possible, subscribe to them as well.