Over the last three years, police have opened a total of 1,562 investigations into right-wing price-tag hate crime attacks. But only 287 indictments – under 18% – have been filed in those cases. Almost 40% of those cases – 566 – were closed because police supposedly could not solve them. 275 others were closed due to “insufficient evidence.” And most tellingly, 105 of these Jewish hate crime cases were closed because of a lack of “public interest.” That supposed lack of interest is determined by police and prosecutors and is not subject to any reliable third party review.
Above: "Jesus is a monkey" painted on the Latrun Monastery in September 2012. The church was vandalized, allegedly by right-wing Jewish Orthodox extremists. The key suspect in the case was not prosecuted due to "lack of evidence."
Jewish Hate Crimes Down Dramatically, Cops Say, But Stats Reveal Apathetic Response By Police, Shin Bet, Government
Shmarya Rosenberg • FailedMessiah.com
Data from Israel Police shows a sharp decline of hate crime attacks thought to be carried out by right-wing Orthodox extremists. Police attribute that reduction to a police and Shin Bet crackdown on the extremists that began in the days after the arson-murders of a West Bank Palestinian baby and his sleeping parents in the West Bank Palestinian village of Douma (Duma) in July, Ha’aretz reported.
Investigations were reportedly opened into 371 Jewish against non-Jewish hate crimes in 2015. 616 such cases were opened in 2014 and 575 in 2013.
However, only 67 indictments were filed in those 2015 cases and commensurately small numbers – 104 in 2014 and 116 in 2013 – were filed in previous years.
But the apparent reason why those numbers of indictments are so small – and the number of convictions infinitesimally smaller than that – has nothing to do with good police work or Shin Bet infiltration of right-wing Orthodox terror cells. In fact, quite the opposite is true.
Both police and the Shin Bet were incredibly lax in dealing with these Jewish hate crimes, so much so that the US Department of State strongly criticized Israel for it in 2014.
Member of Knesset Itzik Shmuli of the Zionist Union Party heads the Knesset caucus against extreme right-wing violence. He recently asked Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan to provide the statistics and is a critic of the successive Netanyahu-led governments’ handling of the problem.
“Only after the murder in Douma and the ‘red wedding’ [the “wedding of hate” during which right-wing Orthodox settler youth danced while waving knives, guns and a Molotov cocktail in the air in celebration of the Douma arson-murders] has Israeli society started to wake up and internalize how serious and dangerous Jewish terror is for it. For a long time now, this hasn’t just been a case of a few hoodlums who content themselves with spraying graffiti and uprooting trees, but also of terrorists who seek to harm innocents,” Shmuli said.
The statistics given by Erdan to Shmueli show that over the last three years, police have opened a total of 1,562 investigations into right-wing price-tag hate crime attacks. But only 287 indictments – under 18% – have been filed in those cases.
Almost 40% of those cases – 566 – were closed because police supposedly could not solve them.
275 others were closed due to “insufficient evidence.”
And most tellingly, 105 of these Jewish hate crime cases were closed because of a lack of “public interest.” That supposed lack of interest is determined by police and prosecutors and is not subject to any reliable third party review.
“It’s not clear who has been allowing himself to close hate crime cases due to [purported] lack of public interest, given the gravity of the danger [of the perpetrators],” Shmuli said.
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