A recalcitrant Frenchman who refused to grant his wife a Jewish bill of divorce known as a get was found vacationing in a hotel in the Dead Sea area of Israel cavorting with a girlfriend-escort. But even though he is not a citizen of Israel and even though he and his estranged wife both live in France, the man was served with an Israeli court order banning his exit from the country which caused him to issue his estranged wife a get.
Recalcitrant Get-Refuser From The Diaspora Found Cavorting In Israeli Hotel With Girlfriend, Rabbinic Court Bans Him From Leaving Israel
Shmarya Rosenberg • FailedMessiah.com
A recalcitrant Frenchman who refused to grant his wife a Jewish bill of divorce known as a get was found vacationing in a hotel in the Dead Sea area of Israel cavorting with a girlfriend-escort, Ynet reported.
Even though he is not a citizen of Israel and even though he and his estranged wife both live in France, the man was served with an Israeli court order banning his exit from the country which caused him to issue his estranged wife a get.
The saga began when Lyon Rabbi Yihye Tubul discovered the man was planning a vacation to Israel and was bringing with him one of his several girlfriends, described by some as escorts.
Tubal contacted Israel’s state rabbinical court system and asked it to locate the man and use its bailiff powers to force him to grant the get.
The haredi-controlled Rabbinical Courts Administration's Agunot Department investigated and finally located the man at the hotel with the help of the Yad L'isha Legal Aid Center, which represents agunot (women who have been denied gets by their recalcitrant and often vindictive estranged husbands).
The haredi-controlled Jerusalem Rabbinical Court opened an official case and then immediately issued a stay of exit order against the husband.
Yad L'isha immediately called the man and told him of the stay order, but he denied being in Israel.
Then, several hours later the man’s lawyer contacted Yad L’isha and said his client would agree to the get.
The next morning, the husband came to the Rabbinical Court the get was issued.