It’s official. There’s now kosher-certified pot and you’ll be able to buy it in New York next month – provided you have a doctor’s prescription and don't care that the kosher supervision is completely unnecessary.
Kosher Pot To Be Sold In NY
Shmarya Rosenberg •
It’s official. The AP reported today there is now kosher-certified pot and you’ll be able to buy it in New York State next month – provided you have a doctor’s prescription and don't care that the kosher supervision is completely unnecessary.
Kosher-keeping Jews and others in New York State will be able to buy the OU certified medical marijuana – even though there is absolutely no reason under halakha (Orthodox Jewish law) for marijuana in any form to need kosher certification, except perhaps if it is sold in an edible form like a marijuana-laced cookie or brownie.
But such edible marijuana products are illegal in New York State, so there is no reason for the kosher supervision other than the greed of the OU the marketing of the Minneapolis-based company producing it, Vireo Health.
Vireo Health’s New York State production will carry the OU seal of approval – something that likely would have shocked and even angered top haredi and Modern Orthodox rabbis a generation ago.
In what has become a pattern, the OU – which puts its seal on non-edible household items like laundry detergent and bleach – claims it gave Vireo Health kosher certification after inspecting its facilities to make sure the marijuana products are produced from insect-free plants.
Vireo Health’s products will be smoked or inhaled as vapor. Just as tobacco cigarettes and cigars do not need kosher supervision, neither does this type of medical marijuana.
Four other companies will be producing medical marijuana in the state, as well.
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