A new report issued today by Israel’s National Insurance Institute (NII) has found Israel has 776,500 poor children, and almost two-thirds of them are haredi. The report also found more than half of all haredi families, 54.3%, are poor.
Most Haredi Children Live In Poverty
Shmarya Rosenberg • FailedMessiah.com
A new report issued today by Israel’s National Insurance Institute (NII) has found Israel has 776,500 poor children, and almost two-thirds of them are haredi. The report also found more than half of all haredi families, 54.3%, are poor.
NII’s Director General Shlomo Mor-Yosef gave the new poverty report to Israel’s Minister of Social Affairs Haim Katz this morning, Kikar HaShabbat reported.
In all, there are 444,900 poor families in Israel last year for a total of 1,709,300 poor people overall, of which 776,500 children. Nearly one out of every three Israeli children are poor.
The poverty rate is also rising - 18.8 percent in 2014 compared to 18.6 percent in 2013.
52.6% of Arab-Israeli families are poor while overall, 23.1% of Israel’s elderly are poor.
Cuts in government-issued child allowances passed in 2013 caused the poverty to rise overall from 23% to 23.3% in 2014. Those child allowances primarily benefit haredi and Arab families and were maintained in large part as special welfare for haredim meant to support the common haredi refusal to work in exchange for haredi support for the ruling coalition.
Arab-Israelis face widespread discrimination in the workforce, which heavily contributes to the rate of Arab-Israeli poverty, as does the refusal to allow women to work, which is common in the more traditional Arab Israeli communities.
Haredim also face some employment discrimination, but it is less prevalent than that faced by Israeli-Arabs. The high rate of haredi poverty is due almost exclusively to the large number of haredi men who refuse to work and to the abysmal state of haredi education. Haredi yeshivas don’t teach math, science, English, computers, Modern Hebrew language, world or Israeli history, or civics, and its graduates overwhelmingly do not earn high school diplomas. This makes haredi men very difficult to employ and ensures a widespread poverty in the haredi community.
Israel’s rate of poverty s the highest in the West.
[Hat Tip: Marty Bluke.]