"Denim or other clothing made from similarly 'trendy' fabrics e.g. leather and lyrca are related to the casual, free, way of life of non-Jews and as such are not permitted."
The Yesodey HaTorah haredi girls school in London got caught with an admissions policy that mandates mothers of students adhere to strict haredi dress codes and codes of conduct.
This was reported today by the London Independent.
But it was first reported by FailedMessiah.com on May 31, more than three months ago.
Today, the Independent asked the British government's Department for Education about the modesty and conduct requirements which strongly imply that non-conforming parents will have their children expelled from the school.
"All schools, including faith schools, must comply with the [government's] school admissions code. Anyone who has concerns that a school’s admission arrangements are unfair or unlawful can object to the independent Schools Adjudicator," the Department for Education replied.
However, the Department for Education declined to comment when asked if Yesoday Hatorah's modesty and code of conduct policy complies with that legally-mandated admissions code.
Here are just a few of Yesoday Hatorah's modesty and conduct requirements:
• Mothers must wear wigs that do not “fall below the base of the neck”
• "Dresses and skirts may not be shorter than 4 inches below the knees… a slit in a skirt or dress is absolutely forbidden even if it is completely below the knee.”
• "Denim or other clothing made from similarly 'trendy' fabrics e.g. leather and lyrca are related to the casual, free, way of life of non-Jews and as such are not permitted."
• Internet access is "forbidden" as is other "unsuitable home entertainment."
When asked if mothers were expected to adhere to the dress code at all times, even when they are away from the school and away from the community, Yesodey HaTorah's spokesperson left little room for doubt.
“Yesodey HaTorah Senior Girls’ School is a Charedi [ultra-Orthodox Jewish] school and there is an expectation that the [haredi] ethos [set forth in this document] is respected,” the spokesman said.
The school denies it has ever expelled a student due to violations of the code by her mother.
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