Rabbi Eliezer HaLevi Dunner says Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky's anti-vaccine ruling means that parents of vaccinated children who complain about allowing non-vaccinated children into haredi schools should shut up and keep their vaccinated children home if they don't like Kanievsky's ruling. A second letter from a group of haredi rabbis says anyone who forces a parent to vaccinate her children against her will is liable for whatever harm those children suffer from the vaccine(s). However, the reverse, the harm caused by disease outbreaks that are caused by un-vaccinated people, does not cause the un-vaccinated or their parents to incur any liability.
Above: a child with measles
Rabbi Eliezer HaLevi Dunner says Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky's anti-vaccine ruling means that parents of vaccinated children who complain about allowing non-vaccinated children into haredi schools should shut up and keep their vaccinated children home if they don't like Kanievsky's ruling.
A second letter from a group of haredi rabbis that includes Dunner says anyone who forces a parent to vaccinate her children against her will is liable for whatever harm those children suffer from the vaccine(s). (However, the reverse, the harm caused by disease outbreaks that are caused by un-vaccinated people, does not cause the un-vaccinated or their parents to incur any liability.)
Also note that the letter claims the medical community believes the risk incurred from non-vaccination is "insignificant" – but this is false.
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Children who are not vaccinated because their parents fear vaccines put hundreds of other children and adults at risk for catching illnesses that can kill or maim them. Choosing not to vaccinate does more than put your own child at risk – it puts everyone at risk, as you can see here.
You can read previous anti-vaccine stupidity from Shmuel Kamenetsky here.
Top Lakewood rabbis lash out at vaccines here.