The women individually went to the rabbi seeking advice. He allegedly told the women to undress and put on a robe, and then touched each woman’s intimate areas during the counseling sessions.
West Bank Rabbi Allegedly Has Troubled Women Strip, Put On Robe, Then Fondles Them During Counseling Sessions
Shmarya Rosenberg •
In early July, criminal complaints were filed with police by two women against a rabbi in the Binyamin region of the West Bank, NRG reported.
The women individually went to the rabbi seeking advice. He allegedly told the women to undress and put on a robe, and then touched each woman’s intimate areas during the counseling sessions.
After a preliminary investigation, police reportedly have come to fear there may have been other women victimized by this rabbi, as well.
The rabbi was detained by police yesterday and reportedly admitted some of the allegations the women made against him were true.
The rabbi was released to complete house arrest with full restrictions for an initial 5-day period as police continue to investigate, and he will face further interrogation during this time.
[Hat Tip: The Lion.]