He lies. He deceives. He uses trickery and intentionally hateful language to inflame and hurt people, all to get his message of hate in the media. He has done so for at least a decade, inspired and guided by a haredi gadol.
Above: Heshy Fried/Friedman in 2006 in his pre-JPAC days (Jewschool). Below: A JPAC array in a Borough Park sukkah in 2011.
The Daily Beast has an exposé of Avraham "Heshy" Friedman, (AKA, Heshie Fried, Heshie Freed, Heshy Fried, Heshy Freed, etc.), the one-man anti-gay anti-evolution huckster behind the essentially nonexistent Jewish Political Action Committee (JPAC).
You've all seen Heshy's highly offensive signs (often held by Mexican day laborers hired to pose as haredi Jews) and the media (including FailedMessiah, years ago) have been fooled by Heshy's false claims to be more than a one-man insane asylum let loose on the public (in part by haredi rabbis who back his message but who don't want to be openly associated with it) and by his other lies. The Daily Beast has a good rundown of that here.
The deeper story is what spawned Heshy Friedman. It is, I think, the same noxious thing that spawned Rabbi Yehuda Levin, who also uses intentionally hateful language and deception in his propaganda.
That noxious thing?
The late haredi 'gadol' Rabbi Avigdor Miller, who sanctioned lying, deception and actual hate speech as long as it was used to drive home what Miller believed to be the Torah's absolute point of view on an issue like homosexuality. At his weekly public lecture/ Q & A session, Miller often made outlandish statements and assertions. (For example, when John Lennon was murdered, a student asked Miller about it. "The bullet came too late," Miller replied, generating guffaws from attendees who got Miller's message clearly, Lennon deserved to be killed because he had led civilization down an immoral anti-Torah path. On another occasion, Miller said that Hitler was not only sent by Heaven, but was sent as a kindness from Heaven…because assimilation and intermarriage are worse than death.)
Miller is venerated in the haredi community not despite all of that but in part because of it. Both Levin and Friedman/Fried/Freed were inspired by Miller and guided by him. And that's why in the haredi world, "God send AIDS to punish male gays" and "evolution is science fiction."
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