“The family is destroyed not just because of an iPhone but due to the use of these programs, WhatsApp and Telegram,” the Vizhnitzer Rebbe reportedly said as he told his hasidim not to use them ever again.
Above: The Vizhnitzer Rebbe
Vizhnitzer Rebbe: WhatsApp Destroys Families, Should Never be Used
Shmarya Rosenberg • FailedMessiah.com
Just after the Shavuot holiday ended in the central Israeli haredi city of Bnei Brak Sunday night, the Vizhnitzer Rebbe reportedly told his hasidim to stop using WhatsApp and other mobile social media apps because they destroy the family.
The rebbe “spoke out in no uncertain terms” against using these mobile social media programs, Yeshiva World reported.
“The family is destroyed not just because of an iPhone but due to the use of these programs, WhatsApp and Telegram,” the rebbe reportedly said.
According to Yeshiva World, many hasidim immediately took the rebbe’s strong condemnation to heart and stopped using WhatsApp and the other mobile social media programs.