Judge Joel Pisano also lashed out at the Lakewood haredi community for taking money from criminals and for not condemning crime committed by fellow haredim.
Above: Eliyahu Weinstein
Haredi Mega-Fraudster Eliyahu Weinstein Sentenced, Judge Lashes Out At Lakewood Haredi Community
Shmarya Rosenberg • FailedMessiah.com
Haredi mega-fraudster Eliyahu Weinstein was sentenced to 135 months in federal prison today. The sentence will run concurrently with his current 22-year sentence for another fraud.
But because this second fraud was committed while he was out on bail, two years were added to Weinstein’s original 22-year sentence, a source familiar with the case told FailedMessiah.com.
Weinstein will alsio be required to pay almost $7 million in restitution.
Additionally, Judge Joel Pisano lashed out at the Lakewood haredi community for taking money from criminals, for not condemning crime committed by fellow haredim, and for openly enabling crime, the source said.
He also said that Weinstein is a habitual thief and liar who is a flight risk, and he recommended in the strongest terms that Weinstein be sent to maxium security prison in a remote area far from a major city, and that he not be sent to Fort Dix or Otisville.
Pisano also mentioned two children Weinstein allegedly has with a mistress.
Several Lakewood haredi rabbis were in the courtroom to support Weinstein.