Ami Magazine, the haredi publication that linked President Barack Obama to Nazis and which called bloggers Nazis has now issued an apology for mistakenly publishing an ad for Yaffed, a nonprofit that advocates for New York State and New York City to enforce the law and compel hasidic schools to adequately teach secular subjects.
The email:
Last night it came to my attention that in this week's edition of Ami Magazine there is a banner ad for Yaffed, an organization with a mission to change the state of Orthodox Jewish chinuch. In the furtherance of that goal Yafed is also reportedly pursuing legal action against New York City and State.
Ami Magazine has repeatedly advocated against such efforts and has condemned organizations like Yaffed. We have asked the community to unite against all those who seek to reform the Orthodox way of life, and we remain steadfast in our resolve to defeat such misguided initiatives.
The inclusion of the ad for Yaffed was due to a mistake in the advertising sales process, which we are immediately correcting, and we apologize for our error in this matter.
Yitzchok Frankfurter
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