After multiple incidents of misbehavior by followers of Shuvu Banim Breslov hasidic sect leader Rabbi Eliezer Berland – including a group of his hasidim illegally squatting and camping in a children’s outdoor playground park in Amsterdam, driving away local children and littering the park with refuse while they insulted an laughed at local non-Jewish residents – the Netherlands has reportedly told Berland to have his followers – many of whom are Israeli ex-convicts – leave the country immediately.
Above: Rabbi Eliezer Berland's hasidim camping illegally in an Amsterdam playground (please see video here)
Cops To Fugitive Breslov Rabbi: Tell Your Misbehaving Followers To Leave Holland Now – Or Else
Shmarya Rosenberg •
After multiple incidents of misbehavior by followers of Shuvu Banim Breslov hasidic sect leader Rabbi Eliezer Berland – including a group of his hasidim illegally squatting and camping in a children’s outdoor playground park in Amsterdam, driving away local children and littering the park with refuse while they insulted an laughed at local non-Jewish residents – the Netherlands has reportedly told Berland to have his followers – many of whom are Israeli ex-convicts – leave the country immediately.
Dutch media has reported on the antics of Berland and his hasidim on a near-daily basis since Berland, who is wanted in Israel for alleged sexually abusing female followers, including at least one minor, was arrested in Amsterdam’s international airport as he waited for a flight to Ukraine, where Breslov’s founder, Rabbi Nachman of Breslov, is buried in the town of Uman.
Berland has been expelled from Morocco and Zimbabwe and fled several other countries, including South Africa which tried at least twice unsuccessfully to arrest him, during his near-two year flight from Israel.
Berland must report to a police station in the Netherlands daily as he awaits processing of Israel’s extradition request.
On one such recent occasion, Yeshiva World reported that police told Berland to tell his followers to please leave Holland immediately to avoid police action against them.
Berland reportedly ordered all but a small number of his followers currently in the Netherlands to travel to Uman and stay there. He also ordered them not come to visit him without his permission and to only come to visit in small groups, and pointed out their presence in the Netherlands was hurting his legal situation.
Earlier this week, Berland officiated at the wedding of a Breslov couple who came to Holland specifically so Berland could marry them.
Berland's son and grandson are facing fraud, theft and money laundering charges in Israel over the handling of the sect's bank accounts.
Sources close the Berland's case believe Berland will not only face charges of sexual assault when he is finally extradited, but likely also face other criminal charges unrelated to the assaults, as well.
Video: Breslov Hasidim, Followers Of Rabbi Eliezer Berland, Illegally Take Over Amsterdam Plaground.