Scientists have apparently proved that stunning an animal just before slaughter does not make any real difference in the amount of blood an animal loses when ritually slaughtered or the amount retained in the meat.
Scientists Reportedly Find No Difference In Blood Presence Between Pre-Stunned And Kosher Slaughtered Meat
Shmarya Rosenberg •
Scientists have apparently proved that stunning an animal just before slaughter does not make any real difference in the amount of blood an animal loses when ritually slaughtered or the amount retained in the meat, the London Jewish Chronicle reported based on a report in today’s London Times.
All rabbis and many Muslim imams forbid pre-stunning.
Animal welfare activists object to Muslim and Jewish ritual slaughter, which is conducted by slitting the animal’s throat with a sharp knife in order to drain as much blood as possible from the animal.
The tests were carried out by an academic psychiatrist and a consultant pathologist. They have not been independently verified.
Pre-stunned non-kosher non-halal beef and venison from a deer which had been shot were compared to pieces of halal and kosher beef. All of the meat retained similar levels of red blood cells, providing “visual confirmation of previous scientific studies” the Times reported.
Shimon Cohen, the spokesman for the Jewish community’s pro-ritual-slaughter lobbying group Shechita UK, told the Times the study was “not relevant to the debate about religious slaughter in any way.” Cohen and his group have repeatedly misrepresented the shechita process and have repeatedly cited as scientific fact studies done decades ago, often by or under the direction of Orthodox Jews, to claim that animals die immediately on being cut with the halaf (the slaughter knife used by shochtim, Jewish ritual slaughterers) – even though all credible science shows that time of death of ritually slaughtered cattle varies widely, from a very rare low of about 12 seconds to as long as several minutes.
Ritually slaughtered animals can and sometime do suffer greatly during the slaughter process, which is why animal welfare activists want them to be stunned before slaughter.