"…It is also expected that the "United Monroe" group will possibly keep on their "missionary tactics" and will try to hand out Yiddish literature and pamphlets in the hall or on the streets with lies and appeasing messages, it is important to remind again that nobody should stop to take their material and especially not engage them in any discussions or debates, only totally ignore them! In order not to cause the desecration of G-d's name and to harm the existence of our holy village.…"
Translation provided by the source who sent in the poster:
Urgent request!
As part of the legal procedure to bring forward the important "annexation procedure" to extended the KJ borders, will this Monday, Sept. 22, starting from 7:00 until 9:00 in the evening be held an "Open Session" (also known as "Scoping Session") in the Hall of "Bais Rochel Paradise".
We feel a responsibility to inform and prepare our people KJ residents, to to be in the know and understand what it entails.
Please adhere and follow carefully to the following instructions, so that this should not be a desecration of G-d's name.
- Due to the State regulations require that several public sessions be held and that it should open to the greater public, therefore "official" speeches will be heard to start-off the evening, thereafter will be an opportunity for every of the participants, KJ residents & residents of the "Town of Monroe" and surrounding areas, to comment over the microphone for a short while, all to the ongoing "annexation requirements".
- According to how the renowned "United Monroe" instigators have publicized, it is expected a participation of outside neighbors and politicians who are outspoken fighters against KJ's child-growth community, and have promised to fight the "annexation request" on all fronts. They will most likely hold instigation speeches and signs, and seek to provoke and cause chaos in the hall. Therefore it is very important not to become provoked. It is not important and better not to react on the spot and especially not to belittle them and cause a desecration of G-d's name heaven forbid, but let everyone comment in a peaceful manner.
- The same is to be expected the participation of media and news agencies. Therefore it's being asked that nobody should give any statements or talk to the press! Every extra word can do more harm than good.
- An extra area in the hall will be designated for KJ residents, but due to the fact that this has to be open for the greater public and there probably show up lots of starngers and self understood that there's no way to control how they show up and their entire presents, therefore being that we're in the midst of the high-holy days, that strictly adhered Jews should know how to behave responsibly in such environments, and it's especially not the proper place for students to participate.
- It is also expected that the "United Monroe" group will possibly keep on their "missionary tactics" and will try to hand out Yiddish literature and pamphlets in the hall or on the streets with lies and appeasing messages, it is important to remind again that nobody should stop to take their material and especially not engage them in any discussions or debates, only totally ignore them! In order not to cause the desecration of G-d's name and to harm the existence of our holy village.
We hope to G-d that everything will pass in peace and harmony, and that the leaders of KJ village will succeed in the probe to broden the borders on the best and most peaceful way possible thru the ways of peace.
We should all be blessed to a happy and blessed new year
With thanks for your continued cooperation
Anash of KJ
The all-Yiddish flyer may itself violate open-meeting-related laws.