"…We need to know this is not like the other times. We are now in a terrible situation. Our brothers who have strayed [from Torah and haredi Orthodoxy – i.e., Jews who are not haredi] take every opportunity to make propaganda [against us] and incite against yeshiva Torah scholars. And is now in this time of war, thousands of Jews endanger themselves and every day large numbers of soldiers are killed, may God have mercy on us, and logic says that if [haredi yeshiva students] would vacation now with all that entails, it would cause a huge chillul Hashem when the seducers who wait for us on every occasion will open their mouths to speak ill of the Torah world.…"
Above: Rabbi Meir Tzvi Bergman
Ashkenazi Haredim To Cancel Yeshiva Vacations Because It Looks Bad To Have Yeshiva Students Vacationing During A War They Refuse To Serve In
Shmarya Rosenberg • FailedMessiah.com
The mainstream haredi faction headed by Rabbi Aharon Leib Steinman will likely cancel the the three week yeshiva vacation period that begins after Tisha B’Av and runs to Rosh Hodesh Elul, the haredi news website Kikar HaShabbat reported.
Steinman is trying to decide whether to delay the vacation period by a few days and keep the yeshivas open during it or cancel it altogether and have the yeshivas continue run with no break at all.
Haredi leaders have realized that it looks terrible to have haredi yeshiva students sightseeing, vacationing and going to resorts and other recreation spots during the war while the rest of Israel has sons, fathers and brothers fighting – and, too often, dying – in Gaza, especially because haredi leaders have repeatedly claimed that the Torah study of these haredi yeshiva students “protects” Israel from its enemies. Haredi leaders have used that self-referential theological point to argue that no haredi yeshiva student should ever serve in the IDF, and have openly told their yeshiva students not to enlist in the IDF and to dodge the draft if they are called up.
Rabbi Moshe Yehuda Schneider, an associate of Steinman’s, told Kikar HaShabbat that Steinman said that if, God forbid, yeshiva students are on the streets or taking vacation trips rather than studying now during the war, it would cause a “horrible chillul Hashem [desecration of God’s name; a horrible embarrassment],” and “the sin of [causing] chillul Hashem is terrible.”
Rabbi Meir Tzvi Bergman, a member of the Degel HaTorah Council of Torah Sages that Steinman heads, was asked about canceling the yeshivas vacations.
Bergman reportedly said it was necessary to cancel the vacations "to avoid [causing] a huge chillul Hashem [desecration of God’s name; a huge embarrassment to haredim] and incitement against the [haredi] Torah world.”
"On the one hand there is the matter this time is a time for war, and we need and are committed to continue to increase Torah study and hard work [in Torah study] to rip up the evil decree [against us] and to save us from the enemy…[Torah study] is the only guarantee of the continuation of our existence. But at the same time there is another matter. We need to know this is not like the other times. We are now in a terrible situation. Our brothers who have strayed [from Torah and haredi Orthodoxy – i.e., Jews who are not haredi] take every opportunity to make propaganda [against us] and incite against yeshiva Torah scholars. And is now in this time of war, thousands of Jews endanger themselves and every day large numbers of soldiers are killed, may God have mercy on us, and logic says that if [haredi yeshiva students] would vacation now with all that entails, it would cause a huge chillul Hashem when the seducers who wait for us on every occasion will open their mouths to speak ill of the Torah world. Therefore, there is another reason [to cancel the yeshiva vacations]…to avoid the chillul Hashem…and continue to learn and be diligent in the halls of Torah,” Bergman said.
Meanwhile, the Council of Torah Sages of the Agudath Israel movement, which is essentially all hasidic, canceled their yeshiva vacations for the same reason and citied the necessity to strengthen Torah study at this time of danger.
"And now in these days and in the present situation…we call on yeshiva students…to stay in all yeshivas…strengthening the Torah study front …is [our] duty of the hour and time [as is prayer]…and God Almighty in His mercy, will bring the sukkah of peace upon us and upon all Israel…and hasten to soon redeem us and comfort us and make us in these days [full] with joy and festivals…,” the Agudath Israel’s Council of Torah Sages said in a statement.
[Hat Tip: Marty Bluke.]