“The story of Amona involves a great crime, perpetrated by a small company of criminals, and this forgery is just the latest in a long history of similar criminal acts. Time after time, it turns out that the settlers’ claims of purchase, which always happen at the last minute, are based on forged documents. Despite this, the government allows these claims to hold up enforcing the law, and prevent the evacuation of illegal structures built on private land. The Amona outpost is built entirely on private Palestinian land, and we hope and believe that it soon will be completely evacuated and returned to its rightful owners."
Right Wing Jewish Settler Group Used Forged Documents To Steal Arab Land, Police Say
Shmarya Rosenberg • FailedMessiah.com
Al-Watan, a right wing Jewish settler organization in the West Bank, is a subsidiary of the Amana movement. The organization’s goal is to buy disputed land from Palestinians when that land is the subject of a Supreme Court case – often a case meant to evict settlers from an allegedly illegal outpost.
Now it turns out that Al-Watan submitted a series of forged documents to the courts and police they used to prove ownership of land that was really owned by Arabs, Ha’aretz reported.
Land in Amona, the Migron outpost, and Givat Assaf was stolen by the Jewish settlers through forged documents, police forensics specialists say.
In addition, Al-Watan allegedly used these forged documents to mislead the Supreme Court and obstruct court proceedings.
“The story of Amona involves a great crime, perpetrated by a small company of criminals, and this forgery is just the latest in a long history of similar criminal acts. Time after time, it turns out that the settlers’ claims of purchase, which always happen at the last minute, are based on forged documents. Despite this, the government allows these claims to hold up enforcing the law, and prevent the evacuation of illegal structures built on private land. The Amona outpost is built entirely on private Palestinian land, and we hope and believe that it soon will be completely evacuated and returned to its rightful owners,” attorneys for the left wing Yesh Din organization which fights for the rights of Palestinian landowners said after hearing the police findings.