Under the Nazis, the yellow Star of David marked Jews for death. Now, a runaway Jewish sect that's been ducking the law and trying to stay ahead of child-welfare authorities seizing its kids, is trading on the Holocaust -- using the same yellow badge to symbolize the persecution it insists it's subjected to.
The Toronto Sun reports:
Under the Nazis, the yellow Star of David marked Jews for death.
Now, a runaway Jewish sect that's been ducking the law and trying to stay ahead of child-welfare authorities seizing its kids, is trading on the Holocaust -- using the same yellow badge to symbolize the persecution it insists it's subjected to.
The latest move by the ultra-orthodox Lev Tahor sect, which fled Quebec for Chatham last fall amid allegations of child abuse and neglect, is "inappropriate" and "offensive," some Jewish academics and organizations said Monday.
"They are not being persecuted and brought to death," said Alain Goldschlager, director of the Holocaust Literature Research Institute at Western University.
The Nazis forced Jews to wear the yellow ID badges as they singled them out for extermination in the death camps.
Lev Tahor is misusing that symbolism, Goldschlager said.
B'nai Brith Canada said using such imagery to cast Lev Tahor members as victims is "unacceptable."
"In a nutshell, it's offensive," said Anita Bromberg, the Jewish organization's national director of legal affairs.
"If they've got concerns about the way they're being treated, then they should raise it. But to use such imagery is unacceptable," she said.
"It so understates what the horrors of the Holocaust were, where kids were dragged out of their parents' arms and killed in front of them. Here, authorities -- you can have a dispute about what they're doing -- but the child-welfare officials have a job to do and that's to make sure the kids are well cared for... That's not Nazi behaviour by any means."
More than 200 Lev Tahor members uprooted from Quebec last fall as a child-welfare probe closed in and a Quebec court ordered 14 kids from three families be taken into temporary foster care.
Ordered to stay put in Chatham-Kent by a judge there while an appeal period unfolded, adults and the 14 kids vanished last week -- one group to Trinidad and two individuals to Calgary. All were intercepted and returned home on the weekend.
The other six children are believed to have been taken to Guatemla.
Lev Tahor has denied allegations of child abuse and neglect, including forced marriages of girls as young as 14, saying it's all persecution of the group -- which teaches its own kids -- for not following Quebec's secular education system.
One Lev Tahor mother said the badges underline how members feel.
"They want us separated -- they don't want our children to speak our language and wear our clothes," she said.
Wearing the gold stars is "brilliant," said group media spokesperson Pamela Palmer, "because that is exactly how they feel. They've had all of their rights taken away that they're supposed to have."
Told some mainstream Jewish groups find that offensive, Palmer disagreed. "If they were in their (Lev Tahor's) situation, I'm sure they would feel the exact same."
She said members have been investigated and subjected to allegations without arrest.
Palmer is linked to extreme Christian fundamentalists who rely on 'biblical' homeschooling that fails to teach children modern science and any other subject that might question their extreme fundamentalist beliefs.