"Final Reminder: Because you have not sent Chanukah gelt with your child, we are asking that in order to avoid an unpleasant situation you should not continue sending your child to cheder [grade school] until you send with him Chanukah gelt [money] for the teachers.…"
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A translation from our source:
--Final Reminder--
Because you have not sent Chanukah gelt with your child, we are asking that in order to avoid an unpleasant situation you should not continue sending your child to cheder [grade school] until you send with him Chanukah gelt [money] for the teachers.
If your child will show up to cheder without the money we will have to send him home, under your achrayus (heavenly/religious responsibility).
We thank you for your cooperation
(In small print)
If you had already sent the money but your child has lost it or forgotten to bring it to cheer, please send it again.It is important not to ignore this letter, in order to prevent agmas nefesh (psychological suffering).