"In the 1990s, the father of two victims at Yeshivah College formally complained to Rabbi Glick (about Kramer) and he refused to take action. The school principal advised the father that he wouldn’t even suspend Kramer from the teaching staff because he was ‘concerned for his welfare’. To hell with the welfare of his victims or future victims. What hope did those kids have? Here’s their rabbi, their school principal, siding with their abuser."
Rabbi Avrohom Glick
Here is a good basic summary of the child sex abuse scandal at Chabad's Yeshivah Centre in Melbourne, Australia, written by Australian radio personality Derryn Hinch. Not all of the Chabad pedophiles are mentioned and the abuse at Yeshivah Centre actually allegedly started a decade and a half earlier than Hinks realizes. But this still succinctly tells you what evil Chabad wrought for those children entrusted to its care:
…At Yeshivah, the bosses showed that, while the Catholics perfected the cover-up of transferring paedophile priests to other innocent parishes, the Jewish hierarchy went one better.
A paedophile rabbi was not only allowed to leave Australia without having his crimes reported to police, but college authorities were complicit in that. Even paid for his escape to Israel.
That child molesting rabbi was David Kramer. He went on to work in the United States where he molested another unsuspecting student. A 12-year-old boy.
Kramer was eventually extradited to Australia where, earlier this year, he e pleaded guilty in Melbourne’s Magistrate’s Court to five counts of indecent assault and one of committing an indecent act in the presence of a child under 16 when he worked at the college in the early 1990s. He is now in jail.
Also in the early 1990s, a former college martial arts instructor, David Cyprys, now 44, was found guilty of indecent assault of a young boy at Yeshivah.
In those days of what I’ll call ‘benign judicial neglect’ when it came to child sex offenders and sentencing, Cyprys was fined $1500 and put on a bond without conviction. Without conviction!
His predatory background apparently didn’t worry college administrators. He was welcomed back with open arms as an instructor and security guard.
No wonder Waks alleged that a code of secrecy protected paedophiles at the college for decades.
Last week, Cyprys was jailed for eight years for molesting nine students in the 1980s and 90s. The children were aged between seven and 17.
Waks said: ‘It is unfathomable how he was allowed to not only remain within the centre, completely unmonitored and unsupervised, but in fact had a leadership role. He was the person in charge of security’.
Maybe it was because the-then college principal, Rabbi Abraham Glick, was concerned about his ‘welfare’.
In the 1990s, the father of two victims at Yeshivah College formally complained to Rabbi Glick (about Kramer) and he refused to take action. The school principal advised the father that he wouldn’t even suspend Kramer from the teaching staff because he was ‘concerned for his welfare’.
To hell with the welfare of his victims or future victims. What hope did those kids have? Here’s their rabbi, their school principal, siding with their abuser.
When that came out in County Court, I pointed out that Rabbi Glick while no longer principal still presided over the religious ethos of the Yeshivah Centre. I said he should be sacked.
Since then Rabbi Glick has himself been accused of raping a student, has been questioned by police and has been stood down.
(He also recently launched defamation proceedings against Mr. Waks).
After recent events, I’d still like to know if it is still considered against Jewish law to go outside the religion and report child sex abuse to police. Somebody should perhaps point out to people like Rabbi Glick that it is against Australian law.
Footnote: Apart from facing expensive legal action for defamation, that brave whistleblower Manny Waks was in court himself last week seeking permission to publicly name himself as a victim of sexual assault at Yeshivah. Under Section 4 of the Crimes Act it is a criminal offence to identify a victim -- even if you are identifying yourself. Permission was granted.…