Rabbi Avrohom Glick, a former principal at Chabad's Yeshiva Center in Melbourne who was, until last week, still on staff there as a senior rabbi, is reportedly suing anti-abuse activist Manny Waks for defamation – even though police have questioned Glick about his alleged rape of a student at the center, and the alleged victim of Glick's alleged rape made a formal police complaint against Glick.
Rabbi Avrohom Glick, left, and now-convicted Chabad pedophile David Cyprys
Rabbi Avrohom Glick, a former principal at Chabad's Yeshiva Center in Melbourne who was, until last week, still on staff there as a senior rabbi, is reportedly suing anti-abuse activist Manny Waks for defamation – even though police have questioned Glick about his alleged rape of a student at the center, the alleged victim of Glick's alleged rape made a formal police complaint against Glick, and Glick's name was not publicized by Waks but instead was publicized by leading Australian newspapers.
Manny has also repeated said that Glick should be considered innocent unless proved guilty.
But Australia has the most draconian (and most ridiculed) defamation law of any western nation, and is considered by freedom of speech advocates, legal experts and many other worldwide to be, as I was once told, a "pathetically bad joke."
Unfortunately, that bad joke hurts lots of good people. (It was this same defamation law that allowed Chabad's Rabbi Joseph Gutnick to fleece hundreds of innocent people in his pump and dump mining venutres, wiping out the life savings of many.
And now Chabad's Rabbi Avaraham Glick is allegedly using the same law to damage the lead victim in the Chabad child sex abuse scandal – the man who has already managed to get two longtime Chabad pedophiles who were being protected by Glick and his cohorts convicted.
Galus Australius got a copy of the following letter, which was sent to Tzedek, the anti-abuse group Waks founded and leads, from an anonymous source (who is probably Glick's attorney or someone close to Glick, if not Glick himself):
13 December 2013
Dear Mr Bornstein
We act for Rabbi Abraham Glick.
Our client has requested that we write to you as a matter of courtesy to advise you that Senior Counsel has been retained to prepare a defamation writ against Mr M. Waks, who is of course your paid CEO.
Rabbi Glick has asked us to stress to you that our client has the highest regard for your mission and undertaking. However, regrettably, your mission is being manipulated by Mr Waks to enable him to conduct, by use of your good name in the community, a personal vendetta against our client. Mr Waks has used your website to facilitate the publication of the most vile and reprehensible defamatory comments against our client. Your mission, which is to protect and advance the interests of children, is being twisted and distorted by your paid CEO to enable him to pursue a personal agenda and vendetta against our client.
The statement of claim against Mr Waks will refer to his conduct as CEO of Tzedek Incorporated (Tzedek), however, we wish to stress that the claim is made against Mr Waks and not against Tzedek. Because of the very high regard he has for Tzedek, Rabbi Glick is most reluctant in joining Tzedek to the defamation claim by reason of the conduct of its CEO, although our client would be fully justified in doing so.
We repeat that Rabbi Glick has nothing but the highest praise and regard for your mission statement, however, he points out that your aspirations are being severely damaged in the community by the reprehensible conduct of your CEO.
The attorney who sent this letter is not named.
Lets be clear.
A court has already heard that Chabad – including Glick – misled police.
A court has already found that Manny Waks and many other boys were raped by a Chabad pedophile – a pedophile Chabad covered for and protected.
Did Glick rape the victim in question?
We don't know.
But what we do know is that Glick was and is part of the problem.
The blessing in all this is that police know that, as well.