The notorious “starving mother” from Mea Shearim, the haredi mother who intentionally starved her child over a period of months as means of gaining attention and sympathy for herself, may be sent to prison for violating her no-prison sentence.
The haredi "starving mother" in court in 2009
Haredi Mother Who Intentionally Starved Her Child, Sparked Massive Riots, Breaks Plea Deal, Prosecutors Say
Shmarya Rosenberg •
The notorious “starving mother” from Mea Shearim, the haredi mother who intentionally starved her child over a period of months as means of gaining attention and sympathy for herself, may be sent to prison for violating her no-prison sentence, Yeshiva World reported.
More than four years ago, Hadassah Hospital caught the mother on camera disconnecting her starving child’s I.V. nutrition, and diagnosed the woman with Munchausen’s Syndrome By Proxy, a rare form of child abuse.
The state stepped in to protect that child and the rest of the woman’s children, sparking a wave of violent haredi riots in Jerusalem and a boycott of Hadassah Hospital by the haredi umbrella organization Edah Haredit’s rabbinic members and their followers.
The state’s intervention kept the mother from being alone with her hospitalized child, and that child immediately recovered as a result.
Haredim continued to riot and boycott anyway.
Several months ago prosecutors learned that the woman had violated the terms of her plea deal, in part by refusing to send her children for therapy. They reportedly asked the court to void the plea deal and imprison the woman for one year.
The court decided not to act immediately. Instead, it took several months to investigate and has now reportedly found that the woman did indeed violate her plea agreement causing the state to renew its request to imprison the woman for one year.
The woman’s extended family reportedly denies the plea agreement was violated and believes they will prevail in court.