A Yiddish language booklet attacking haredi New York City Councilman David Greenfield for his alleged "treason" of the haredi community and for many other alleged transgressions was distributed throughout Borough Park this weekend. Greefield allegedly had staffers and volumteers out collecting the pamphlettes from synagogues and other locations. They then dumped them in the trash.
A free translation sent by my source:
Greenfield’s Treason: Greenfield was called out for supporting Dov Lipman (of the Yesh Atid Party), an Israeli Knesset Member, and giving Lipman a platform on Greenfield’s radio show. Yesh Atid is a member of the current Israeli government responsible for the “Share the Burden” bill, which mandates Charedi conscription into the Israeli army and the disproportionate budget slashing adversely impacting on the welfare of large families, as well as the viability of Charedi schools and yeshivas. Lipman is an enemy of the Charedi community and should not have been given a platform and support on a radio show hosted by a councilman representing the Charedi community.
Greenfield’s Cynicism: The Bloomberg Administration had issued a regulation requiring Mohalim to obtain evidence of informed consent from parents prior to a metzitzeh b’peh bris. The Charedi community is convinced that this is an incremental move to regulate, or even ban, the ancient religious ritual representing a serious and unprecedented intrusion of government into religious practices. In more than a year since the regulation was instituted, Greenfield merely paid lip service to the issue. Then, just days before re-election, Greenfield issued a noisy press release announcing his sponsorship of a bill in the city council to overturn the city regulation. According to pundits in city hall, the bill has zero support. Greenfield’s transparent and cynical, political ploy was only meant to rather votes in his district, which is beginning to discern between reality and Greenfield’s “Press Releases”.
Greenfield’s Contempt: State Senator Felder consulted a Rabbinic authority regarding whether he was obligated to stay in Albany over Shabbos to vote against an abortion bill. He was advised that he is obligated to do so. A similar bill came before the NYC Council and Greenfield ignored Halachic authorities and voted in support of the bill. This suggests nothing less than Greenfield’s utter contempt for Halachah and the Rabbis.
Greenfield’s Stupidity: When Greenfield initially ran for elected office, his KEY promises were to restore Child Care Priority 7 Vouchers. He also promised to deliver School Transportation Vouchers. Both issues are of great concern to Yeshiva parents in the district who struggle with exorbitant costs of educating their large families. Greenfield failed to deliver on both counts. Moreover, he jeopardized his relationship with the NYC administration by attacking the mayor after a blizzard in order get a few moments of cheap publicity—all at the expense of his constituents. This poor judgment contrasts with that of State Senator Simcha Felder who delivered NYS assistance and forced the city to make public school bus service available for Yeshivas.
Greenfield’s Out of Control Ego: Traditionally, Community Board 12 was an area of broad cooperation amongst the district’s various factions and ethnic communities. The issues that regularly come before the community board include all city services such as zoning and building variances. For selfish and political consideration, Greenfield appointed to the board counter-effective puppets who were instrumental in killing a Shul project on 60th Street. He installed a chairman and others that would be beholden to him but get nothing done.
Greenfield’s Disdain: In his blind jealousy of State Assemblyman Dov Hikind, Greenfield “leaked” to the media a photo of Hikind in a Purim costume insinuating racism in an innocent Jewish tradition. It backfired (V’Nahapoch Hu) as Hikind’s black colleagues came to his defense but still caused embarrassment to the community. This revealed a serious flaw in Greenfield’s character; he has disdain for revered Jewish religious traditions, and seeks conflict rather than harmony for his own interests.
The voters in the 44th Council District are seriously considering dumping Greenfield and relegating him the political trash pile.
The booklet as a PDF file: