After almost 2 years of secrecy (and, many say, deception) by NY State Assemblyman Dov Hikind, Agudath Israel of America and State Senator Dean Skelos (who funded the $1 million grant with Hikind), 100 security cameras are reportedly about to be installed in Borough Park – under the complete control of the very haredi rabbis who have spent decades covering up child sex abuse and other crimes in the haredi community.
Remember that $1 million dollar New York State grant for security cameras from New York State Assemblyman Dov Hikind and State Senator Dean Skelos to Agudath Israel of America after the Leiby Kletzky murder two years ago?
After more than one year of secrecy (and, many say, deception) by Hikind, Agudah and Skelos, 100 security cameras are reportedly about to be installed in Borough Park – under the complete control of Agudath Israel of America.
And like much of what Agudah and Hikind touch, there are clear signs of corruption.
The Associated Press reports:
…According to state documents, the grant will pay for the 100 cameras to be installed and maintained by Secure Watch 24, a private security firm, which will keep the recorded data for up to five years. The grantee is an LLC effectively controlled by Agudath Israel, which has lobbied many state and city officials on a host of issues.…
Access to and management of the cameras in Brooklyn was not entirely clear. The New York Police Department referred all questions about the security system to Secure Watch 24, which didn't respond to requests for comment.
Hikind said police and volunteer police groups would have access to the cameras after a significant crime only by making formal requests to Secure Watch 24.
"God forbid something happens, there's an incident, the police will have access to the video tape," he said.
Donna Lieberman, the executive director of the New York Civil Liberties Union, said she was concerned that a private company would be managing a state-funded camera network placed on public property.
"I've never heard of the city farming out surveillance power like this," she said. "This horrific crime generated enormous pain in the community, but it's naive to think that a network of surveillance cameras is the answer to fears for the safety of our children.”…
In other words, the very haredi rabbinic leaders who have spent decades covering up child sex abuse and other crimes will now have first and complete access to security camera footage taken by cameras paid for with state money.
It those haredi rabbis, rabbis who ruled that only they could determine if allegations of child sexual abuse should be reported to police or instead kept within the haredi community, who will now determine whether this security camera footage should be shared with police.
New York State is very corrupt. This sick arrangement paid for with public funds is another clear proof of that statement.