“This is one of the most outrageous examples of government intruding into the ability of residents to freely practice their religion without restrictions based on questionable findings. I continue to be outraged that the city took this incredibly misguided step last year, and will fight until the board reverses its decision or this bill becomes law. It is imperative that every citizen, regardless of their particular religion, be able to practice and worship without the fear of being restricted or targeted by their own government…"
The ever-dishonest haredi New York City Councilman from Brooklyn David Greenfield, who was outed earlier this year for allegedly writing articles in Yeshiva World under the pen name Dov Gordon that praised himself and denigrated opponents, and who most recently fabricated claims that Ken Thompson was an anti-Semite who, if elected as Brooklyn D.A. would "target" Jews, has introduced a bill that would prohibit the city’s board of health from regulating or prohibiting metzitzah b’peh (MBP), the direct mouth-to-bloody-penis sucking done by mosr haredi mohels after surgically removing the baby’s foreskin.
MBP has a centuries-long documented record of killing and maiming babies, at time sparking epidemics of tuberculosis and siphylis, and which transmits HSV-1, a herpese simplex virus that can maim and even kill babies and which remains in babies’ bodies for their entire lives.
Medical science, medical ethics, medical history and, as we shall soon see, US Law are not Greenfield’s strong suits:
“This is one of the most outrageous examples of government intruding into the ability of residents to freely practice their religion without restrictions based on questionable findings. I continue to be outraged that the city took this incredibly misguided step last year, and will fight until the board reverses its decision or this bill becomes law. It is imperative that every citizen, regardless of their particular religion, be able to practice and worship without the fear of being restricted or targeted by their own government…I am proud to stand up for what is right and defend our community, and everyone who practices religion in New York City, against this outrageous policy and the precedent it sets. Anyone who believes in religious freedom and is against government oversight should join me and my colleagues in opposing this and all other regulations that trample on our constitutionally-protected right to religious freedom,” Greenfield said in a prepared statement.
The United States Supreme Court long ago ruled that matters of public health, threat to life and limb, and especially dangers to children trump a parent’s right to freely practice his or her religion – a fact Greenfield, an attorney, should know.