Some of Edah Haredit's rabbis have signed a public declaration condemning Asra Kadisha's attacks on Edah Haredit's #2, Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch. Asra Kadisha is an Edah subsidiary group that has repeatedly rioted in the past 10 days in Beit Shemesh and in Jerusalem over alleged graves desecration Sternbach ruled is not taking place. Edah's #1, Rabbi Yitzchok Tuvia Weiss, who has previously protected pedophiles and child abusers – including one who killed his own disabled baby – did not sign the public declaration in support of Sternbuch. Weiss is closely linked to the Williamsburg Satmar Rebbe Zalman Teitelbaum, who allegedly funds a lot of the violence associated with Edah Haredit.
Also, as I reported earlier today, Sternbuch's son was just physically attacked by Edah Haredit thugs who screamed curses and attacked his father.