The trial of David Cyprys, the once-convicted child molester Chabad kept in place with full, unsupervised access to children and who allegedly went on to molest and rape at least a dozen more Chabad boys has now been broken into three separate trials.
David Cyprys, right, walking with a Chabad leader, Rabbi Avrohom Glick
I'm told that the trial of David Cyprys, the once-convicted child molester Melbourne Chabad kept in place with full, unsupervised access to children and who allegedly went on to molest and rape at least a dozen more Chabad boys has now been broken into three separate trials.
The most severe case is being tried first.
The case of the lead alleged victim, Manny Waks, will be tried after that.
A suppression order is also in place, drastically limiting any news of the proceedings.