At a time when the district is facing a $8.2 million dollar shortfall for this fiscal year alone, the district has used public funds to buy religious texts for haredi schools in violation of the law almost two years after the state ordered the district to stop doing so.
Some of the members of the East Ramapo school board in 2011
Scandal-Plagued Haredi-Controlled School District Illegally Buys Orthodox Religious Textbooks For Private Haredi Schools
Shmarya Rosenberg •
Buried at the end of an article on the scandal-ridden haredi-controlled East Ramapo school board’s search for new attorneys – which is being conducted because its extremely expensive scandal-ridden bunch, Minerva & D’Agostino, decided to withdraw last month after one of its attorneys, Christopher Kirby, called a parent a “cunt” outside a school board meeting and challenged another parent to a fist fight – is a piece of information that is truly staggering.
At yesterday’s school board meeting, an auditor discussing the school district’s failure to update old records reportedly told the (unsurprised) haredi-controlled board that the school district is still illegally ordering textbooks with haredi religious content almost two years after being cited by the State Comptroller’s Office for doing so.
The Journal News doesn’t explain it, but these haredi textbooks ordered from haredi publishing companies like Artscroll are given to haredi yeshivas in the district.
In other words, at a time when the district is facing a $8.2 million dollar shortfall for this fiscal year alone, the district has used public funds to buy religious texts for haredi schools in violation of the law almost two years after the state ordered the district to stop doing so.
And even though this is so, the state has taken no legal action against the scandal-ridden district to stop it from violating the law.
Only in New York.
[Hat Tip: Devorah.]