“What connects all the evil decrees [the draft of haredi yeshiva students, the requirement that haredi schools teach some basic secular studies, etc.] being directed at the haredi community? The Reform women at the Kotel, the the profaning of the holy. I spoke with [Arab] MK Dr. Ahmed Tibi and I understood from him that when it comes to the Ramadan fast [the police and border patrol] are considerate towards the Arabs [on the Temple Mount,] but when a group of women wish to act in a disgraceful and inappropriate fashion near the remnants of the Temple, who is targeted in response? The haredi community."
Yeshiva World reports:
MK Yisrael Eichler addressed the eighth annual Hamodia Conference [Hamodia is a haredi daily newspaper controlled by the Ger hasidic movement] in the Jerusalem Convention Center on Tuesday, 24 Tammuz 5773 [July 2, 2013]. [The] Following is a synopsis of his remarks.
“What connects all the gezeiros [evil decrees; the draft of haredi yeshiva students, the requirement that haredi schools teach some basic secular studies, etc.] being directed at the chareidi tzibur [the haredi community] [?] [T]he Reform women at the Kosel [Western Wall], the chilul Kodesh [the profaning of the holy]. I spoke with [Arab] MK Dr. Ahmed Tibi and I understood from him that when it comes to the Ramadan fast they [the police and border patrol] are considerate towards the Arabs [on the Temple Mount] but when a group of women wish to act in a disgraceful and inappropriate fashion near the remnants of the Beis HaMikdash [of the Temple], who is targeted in response[?] [T]he chareidi tzibur [the haredi community]”.
Eichler feels we must ask ourselves “where is the money” and look in the direction of the Reform Jews, those who “create the divide in the nation, [and] those who fund their activities.” He is calling [on haredim] to wage a war against the Reform [Movement], which must begin with a probe and then [follow with] using the same tactics [they use] against them.
He spoke of two nonprofits that bring people to Israel and receive enormous funding. The first if [sic] Birthright (Taglit) which Eichler reports receives 120 million NIS [$33,069,720] annually for its 10-day trips. The second in Masa, which receives 100 million NIS [$27,551,200] annually yet brings “less than 10,000 students a year.” [Which works out to $2,755 per student for an all-inclusive trip – something Eichler did not tell his math-challenged audience.]
He then questions “why is it that [the government] only cut[s] from the thousands of yeshiva students who come here from abroad to study Torah and their parents pay their hard earned money for them”.