Police requested a 12-day day remand period for the Bnei Brak man, but the judge only remanded him for three days, reportedly because the case against him is deemed to be relatively weak.
Haredi Man Arrested For Allegedly Defacing Monastery With “Jesus Is A Monkey” Graffiti
Shmarya Rosenberg • FailedMessiah.com
A 22-year-old haredi man from Bnei Brak man was arrested earlier this week for an attack on a 19th-century Christian monastery in the West Bank, the Jerusalem Post reported.
The man already had an administrative restraining order against him that prevented him from traveling to the West Bank, Ha’aretz reported.
The price-tag attack last September on the Latrun Monastery saw the slur “Jesus is a monkey” painted on a monastery wall, and the monastery’s doors set on fire.
Price tag attacks carried out by right wing extremists are meant to inflame Arabs and punish Israel for taking steps toward peace. Price tag extremists have vandalized and burned mosques, churches, Arab crops, Arab-owned olive trees (some hundreds of years years old, at least one more than 1,000 years old), Arab-owned cars, Arab-owned homes and other Arab-owned property.
After more than one year of delay that saw price tag attacks multiply exponentially, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recently allowed Israeli security forces to use aggressive measures to find price tag extremists that are similar to those used in tracking down Palestinian terrorists.
In fact, in the past two weeks dozens of cars were vandalized and burned in the Arab villages of Abu Ghosh and Beit Hanina, allegedly by price tag extremists.
Police requested a 12-day day remand period for the Bnei Brak man, but the judge only remanded him for three days, Yeshiva World reported, because the case against him is deemed to be relatively weak.
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