"I will continue to walk in my neighborhood like I'm used to doing.…I
wasn't scared, but I wanted to get home as fast as possible because my
little sister was with me and I didn’t want anything else to happen.
Even when I went back to the place to meet my mom and the cops I wore
the same clothing, I dare [haredim] to tell me what to do.”
Haredi Man Allegedly Spits On ‘Immodestly’ Dressed Teen
Shmarya Rosenberg • FailedMessiah.com
A 15-year-old girl was walking in downtown Ashdod yesterday after picking up her little sister from kindergarten.
A haredi man approached her and ordered her to walk behind a parking lot wall to shield haredim at a nearby yeshiva from having to see her immodest dress.
The area is largely secular.
The girl refused.
"I'm not going to,” she said.
The haredi man allegedly responded by asking, “why are you so stubborn?” and then spitting on her.
"The kindergarten and the yeshiva are on the same street in a secular part of the city. We have been going to this kindergarten for a year without a single incident and without anybody saying anything. It never crossed our minds that there is something or someone to fear, because in Ashdod we have haredi neighborhoods which secular residents respect by not entering during Shabbat and only in modest attire. But this is a completely different story,” the girl’s mother told Ynet.
The 15-year-old was shaken by the incident but was also defiant.
"I will continue to walk in my neighborhood like I'm used to doing.…I wasn't scared, but I wanted to get home as fast as possible because my little sister was with me and I didn’t want anything else to happen. Even when I went back to the place to meet my mom and the cops I wore the same clothing, I dare [haredim] to tell me what to do,” the 15-year-old told Ynet.
Police failed to find the assailant, but told Ynet they are treating the incident with the utmost seriousness.