The Community Synagogue of Monsey
Originally published at 9:49 pm CDT 6-22-2013
Newsday reports:
In mid-April, Mara Luz Corado surfaced as a candidate for the beleaguered East Ramapo school board. She was elected on May 21 and is expected to be sworn in on July 2.
Despite relentless attempts to speak with her -- or even get her phone number -- Corado remains elusive. East Ramapo school district clerk Cathy Russell said the only contact information she could release for Corado is a mailing address.
Moreover, Bernard Charles Jr. and Pierre Germain, who successfully ran with Corado for the three open seats on the nine-member board, have been evasive when asked about her.
"I do not have her number. Let me find out for you and I could have her call you," Germain told Newsday earlier this week.
Charles, who organized the slate, last week said Corado has been "away." He declined to elaborate, and said he, too, would ask Corado to contact Newsday.…
But Corado never did.
Newsday kept digging. Here is what it found:
• Corado registered to vote in Ramapo just five days before the school board election.
• The address she used when registering to vote, the same address she put on her candidate's petition, is 89 W. Maple Avenue.
• 89 W. Maple Avenue is the address of the Community Synagogue of Monsey. It has no visable residential entrance. Property tax exemption documents clearly state that the building can only be used as a house of worship.
• A member of the synagogue told Newsday that someone with a "Spanish" name was the "super" (caretaker) of the synagogue. Inside, directed reporters to a door marked "private" and stairs that led to a second story.
• Mail addressed to Corado's husband Joel was stacked on those steps.
• No one answered the second floor door. Reporters could not determine whether there was a residence on that floor or not.
• Corado is actively involved at La Iglesia Del Reino Church in Spring Valley, where her husband is a pastor.
• Public records show that Corado has (or had) an addresss in Ozone Park, Queens. A man at that two-story, two-family home who refused to identify himself claimed that he owns the building and that Corado "doesn't live here. Why would you be looking for her [here]? There's no Corado here. There's never been a Corado here."
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