“Another problem is the demographic problem. The growth rate in the hareidi population is 4.2%, which means the hareidi population will double within 17 years. The Arab population will double within 25 years, while the rest of the population has a 1.7% growth rate, meaning it will double itself in 40 years.” If the trends continue, he warned, secular Israelis will be in the minority within 50 years.
After telling his audience that the extreme and pervasive poverty of the Israeli Arab and haredi populations is dangerous for Israel and cannot be allowed to stand, even though much of that extreme poverty is self-inflicted, outgoing Governor of the Bank of Israel Stanley Fischer drove home his point this way:
“Another problem is the demographic problem. The growth rate in the hareidi population is 4.2%, which means the hareidi population will double within 17 years. The Arab population will double within 25 years, while the rest of the population has a 1.7% growth rate, meaning it will double itself in 40 years.”If the trends continue, he warned, secular Israelis will be in the minority within 50 years.