A haredi modesty patrol in the Beit Yisrael neighborhood of Jerusalem attacked a car carrying a group of haredi women the patrol claimed were ‘immodestly’ dressed, allegedly shattering the car’s windows, puncturing its tires and covering the car with fish oil.
File photo: Haredim throwing stones at police in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Mea Shearim, July 2011
Haredi Modesty Patrol Attacks Car Carrying ‘Immodestly’ Dressed Haredi Women, Then Attacks Police
Shmarya Rosenberg • FailedMessiah.com
A haredi modesty patrol in the Beit Yisrael neighborhood of Jerusalem attacked a car carrying a group of haredi women the patrol claimed were ‘immodestly’ dressed, allegedly shattering the car’s windows, puncturing its tires and covering the car with fish oil, the Times of Israel reported.
Police responded to the attack on the women but were themselves attacked by a haredi mob which surrounded the police vehicle and stoned it, shattering its front and back windshields.
Police backup arrived and dispersed the haredi mob.
No injuries were reported and no arrests were made.
Israel Police have long treated haredi violence with kid gloves, often allowing violent rioters to escape arrest.
In the few examples where arrests were made and the state decided to prosecute, defendants found guilty have usually received extremely light sentences – often house arrest or a combination of a few months in a prison yeshiva program combined with house arrest.