Yeshiva World reports:
Tax inspectors accompanied by police on Monday morning 25 Sivan 5773 arrested two sofrim, one in Bnei Brak and one in Kfar Chabad. The two are members of the “אגודת השוחטים” and they are alleged to be evading taxes and involved in money laundering by issuing fictitious pay stubs. In addition, a number of avreichim affiliated with the chassidish community were detained for questioning. Homes were inspected in both Bnei Barak and Kfar Chabad, homes belonging to scribes.Authorities have learned the organization, “אגודת השוחטים” has been around for some time but it has been inactive. Officials suspect the organization is being used as a front to hide illegal activities, primarily to pay scribes (sofrei STaM) while sidestepping the requirement of paying taxes.