The new government conversion program “tramples on” Jewish values and halacha, and after consulting with rabbonim [rabbis] and dayanim [rabbinic court judges], it has determined that the new government campaign is in line with similar efforts by the Reform Movement.
Yeshiva World reports:
The daily Yated Ne’eman reports the state-run [Zionist Orthodox] giyur (conversion to Judaism) program has begun advertising, seeking to attract anyone interested in becoming Jewish. The ads speak of a “personally tailored program, a “friendly and personal approach” with “individual guidance”, boasting programs suited for citizens and soldiers alike.Yated reports that the new program “tramples” Jewish values and Halacha, and after consulting with rabbonim and dayanim, has determined the new campaign is in line with similar efforts by the Reform Movement. The reports quotes Rabbonim Gedolei Yisrael Shlita, who insist giyur must be handled by qualified batei din and not be a government coalition and MKs.
The report quotes a chareidi public official as saying that with Yair Lapid and Naftali Bennett on board, the Ministry of Religious Services has become the Ministry Against Religious Services. The report quotes rabbonim expressing severe criticism regarding the state giyur (process for conversion to Judaism), which they feel is simply ‘whitewashing’ the real program, which is alarmingly similar to a Reform way of life.