As the number of threats and attacks against haredi IDF soldiers rises, the IDF is weighing the possibility of asking Israel’s attorney general to deal with attacks against haredi soldiers with a “hard hand.”
File photo: haredim throwing stones at police, Mea Shearim 7-2011
IDF May Ask AG To Deal With Haredi Attacks On Haredi IDF Soldiers With A “Hard Hand”
Shmarya Rosenberg •
As the number of threats and attacks against haredi IDF soldiers rises, the IDF is weighing the possibility of asking Israel’s attorney general to deal with attacks against haredi soldiers with a “hard hand,” Yeshiva World reported.
Haredi soldiers have been stoned by haredim in Mea Shearim and physically attacked in other haredi neighborhoods and cities when they return home to visit friends and family.
A leading Satmar rabbi ruled earlier this month that haredi soldiers wearing uniforms should be barred from entering synagogues, yeshiva study halls and haredi neighborhoods because the uniform is "tamei" (spiritually impure).
Last month, death threats were placed in haredi soldiers’ mailboxes.
So far, Israel Police, the IDF and the attorney general have done little to stop the attacks, apparently because they hoped haredi leaders would curtail the violence on their own.
However, the violence escalated.