“On Rabbi Telsner's evidence, it is clear that his case and the applications which he made were not dealt with in a fair and even handed way.”
The Supreme Court of New South Walse (Australia) issues a decision on a Chabad beit din case. The Supreme Court is sharply critical of Rabbi Zvi Telsner (the head of Chabad in Melbourne) and Rabbi Kaminetzky.
A few choice quotes as sent in by a loyal reader who read the 90+-page decion in its entirety :
“On Rabbi Telsner's evidence, it is clear that his case and the applications which he made were not dealt with in a fair and even handed way.”
“On the evidence of both Rabbi Telsner and Rabbi Kaminetsky, it was not only after the Beth Din that they came to have an adverse opinion of Mr Amzalak. I am satisfied that their evidence would lead a fair minded person with knowledge of the relevant circumstances to consider that they had not brought impartial and unprejudiced minds to the resolution of the issues lying between the parties.”“On the evidence of both Rabbi Telsner and Rabbi Kaminetsky, it was not only after the Beth Din that they came to have an adverse opinion of Mr Amzalak. I am satisfied that their evidence would lead a fair minded person with knowledge of the relevant circumstances to consider that they had not brought impartial and unprejudiced minds to the resolution of the issues lying between the parties.”
“The evidence of Rabbi Telsner also had to be approached with some caution, given what emerged in his cross-examination.”
“There was no evidence in these proceedings that Mr Amzalak had acted as Rabbi Telsner had understood. Indeed, the evidence was rather to the contrary.”
“Rabbi Kaminetsky's evidence about these matters was difficult to credit…" [i.e., almost certainly was false testimony]
Theh entire decision as a PDF file: