Paula Roby, an attorney for Agriprocessors' bankruptcy trustee Joeseph Sarachek (pictured at right), tells Sarachek that she won't let Chabad's alleged money laundering be a story here. Here is that email.
Paula Roby, one of Sarachek's attorney's, made a bit of an email gaffe and accidentally sent her response to Sarachek to me.
Please click to enlarge:
Update 5:16 pm CDT – Before Roby responded to Sarachek, I emailed Sarachek's main attorney, Dan Childers:
Dan –
Hi. Joe Sarachek referred me to you.
I saw that you settled with Colel Chabad and Bet Kahila. What defenses did these two charities raise that prompted you to decide to settle for such a small amount of money from each of them? Is this something you coordinate with the US Attorney or is this completely separate?
I take it that you know that Sholom and Aaron Rubashkin are very close to men that run these two charities. Duchman from Colel Chabad is also related to Rubashkin, and Zeilingold is Sholom Rubashkin's former rabbi. His kosher supervision gave its imprimatur to Agriprocessors. Also, Bet Kahila is not the name of Zeilingold's synagogue. The synagogue is Adath Israel. Bat Kahila was allegedly started to allow Zeilingold to have a second parsonage and to take in "donations" that he did not want to share with the synagogue. United Mehadrin Kosher was a branch of the synagogue. Are you aware of these facts? If so, how do you explain allowing these two organizations to settle for such small amounts of money? How is this fair to all the small creditors – like employees whose medical bills were not paid because Sholom Rubashkin and his family apparently chose to loot the company instead of paying the insurance premiums?
Thank you.
Shmarya Rosenberg
Here is the response from Childers in full:
Every settlement is made based on what we believe is the best net recovery for the bankruptcy estate.
This is how I responded, a few moments after receiving Childers' email:
I understand that. But what are the reasons that these two charities were allowed to repay so little? What defense did they have that caused this decision to be made?
Childers did not answer. Roby's mistaken email arrived a few moments later.
Update 5:32 pm CDT – Joseph Sarachek's bio and contact information, which was on the CRT Capital Partners website earlier this afternoon, has now been removed as has any other mention of him on the site.
Related Post: Chabad Charities That Allegedly Laundered Millions Of Dollars For Agriprocessors Must Repay Only Thousands.