"If a Jew enters a study hall [synagogue or yeshiva] with such clothing, haredim should yell at him, ‘Tamei [unclean one], get out of here!’ These clothes defile…To pray with those clothes is like praying while making the sign of the cross, may God save us. These clothes proclaim: ‘Heresy!'"
Satmar Rabbi Bans Uniformed IDF Soldiers From Satmar Study Halls, Synagogues And Yeshivas
Shmarya Rosenberg • FailedMessiah.com
Until this year, haredi soldiers were exempt from wearing their uniforms when visiting haredi neighborhoods. But a recent ruling by the IDF has changed that, Behadrei Haredim reports, and now haredi soldiers need to apply for a special exception to able to remove their uniforms and wear haredi civilian clothes.
In response, a Satmar rabbi, Rabbi Moshe Zev Tzaurger, decided to ban all uniformed soldiers from haredi neighborhoods, synagogues and study halls.
Tzaurger insists that the purpose of forcing haredi soldiers to appear in their home neighborhoods in their IDF uniforms is to “transmit the message that military service has become the norm” to make it easier for the military to draft more haredim. Tzaurger claims the IDF’s strategy is working, and Tzaurger wants to put an end to it immediately.
"If a Jew enters a study hall [synagogue or yeshiva] with such clothing, haredim should yell at him, ‘Tamei [unclean one], get out of here!’ These clothes defile…To pray with those clothes is like praying while making the sign of the cross, may God save us. These clothes proclaim: ‘Heresy!’,” Tzaurger claims.
But what should people do if the uniformed soldier refuses to leave?
“…Approach him and tell him, ‘Get out, sheigetz!,” Tzaurger answered.