The father of a 15-year-old girl allegedly molested by an unnamed rabbi believed to be Breslov leader Rabbi Eliezer Berland told Army Radio that when his 15-year-old daughter told him about the abuse, and older daughter came forward and admitted that the had sexually abused her, as well. He believes in all 10 to 20 women and girls were sexually abused by the rabbi.
The Israeli news website Walla reports that Israel Army radio is reporting that the leader of a large hasidic group who made a sudden trip abroad several weeks ago did so to flee possible indictment for sexually abusing woman and girls who came to him for advice.
While Walla does not report the name of the rabbi, he is believed to be 75-year-old Rabbi Eliezer Berland, the head of the Shuvu Bonim Breslov sect. He is a member of Vaad Olami D'Chasedai Breslov (World Committee of Breslov Chassidim) and is credited with causing thousands of secular Jews to convert to hasidic Judaism.
Berland reportedly arrived in Miami recently.
His attorney, Yaakov Weinroth, has reportedly flown to the US to try to convince Berland to return to Israel.
The father of a 15-year-old girl allegedly molested by the unnamed rabbi believed to be Berland told Army Radio that when his 15-year-old daughter told him about the abuse, and older daughter came forward and admitted that the rabbi had sexually abused her, as well. The girls' father believes in all 10 to 20 women and girls were sexually abused by the rabbi.
[Hat Tip: Jonny.]