The Netzach Yehuda battalion reportedly rescued almost 40 people, 30 of whom were trapped in a bus. Many of those rescues were done jointly with the Palestinian Authority's rescue forces.
Flood in Tayibe
Haredi Soldiers Rescue Palestinians Trapped In Flood
Shmarya Rosenberg •
Yesterday, soldiers of the IDF's haredi Netzach Yehuda battalion rescued three Palestinian men from a flash food, Ynet reports.
The soldiers were called to an area near the Nablus River where cars had been stalled with people trapped inside them by raging floodwaters caused by the massive winter storms battering the region.
Helicopters could not be used to rescue the trapped drivers because of the severity of the storm. The battalion’s commander commandeered a Palestinian's tractor and used it to rescue the trapped men.
The tractor’s owner drove into the floodwater with the army commander, and the commander and the tractor owner rescued three trapped men. A fourth man who was also trapped is reported missing.
The tractor reportedly left the floodwaters just before the asphalt road began to collapse.
The soldiers also reportedly started medical treatment for the three rescued men at the scene.
Today, the Netzach Yehuda battalion reportedly rescued 33 people. 30 were trapped in a bus. Many of the rescues were done with the Palestinian Authority's rescue forces.