A Bnei Brak haredi yeshiva student returning to Israel from a trip
abroad got off his flight from New York City and was arrested moments
later by customs agents in Ben-Gurion International Airport after the agents found that the man was wearing a specially made
fringed ritual garment called an arba kanfot that concealed 30 Apple
iPhone 5s.
Haredi Yeshiva Student Busted Smuggling iPhones
Shmarya Rosenberg • FailedMessiah.com
A Bnei Brak haredi yeshiva student returning to Israel from a trip abroad got off his flight from New York City and was arrested moments later by customs agents in Ben-Gurion International Airport, Yeshiva World reports, after the agents found that the man was wearing a specially made fringed ritual garment called an arba kanfot that concealed 30 Apple iPhone 5s.
The phones are worth about $40,000 on the Israeli market.
The man reportedly told agents that he owns a toy store and that he planned selling the phones there. A family member allegedly sewed the special arba kanfot for him, so he could smuggle the phones through customs.
[Hat Tip: Burich.]