A Tel Aviv District Court overturned a Ramat Gan Family Court decision Monday, ruling that a Jewish mother who kidnapped her children and brought them to Israel should be allowed to keep her children and stay in the country, rather than return them to The Netherlands where the children’s non-Jewish father lives.
Jewish Mother Who Kidnapped Her Kids From Her Non-Jewish Husband Can Keep Them, Israeli Court Rules
Shmarya Rosenberg • FailedMessiah.com
A Tel Aviv District Court overturned a Ramat Gan Family Court decision Monday, ruling that a Jewish mother who kidnapped her children and brought them to Israel should be allowed to keep her children and stay in the country, rather than return them to The Netherlands where the children’s non-Jewish father lives, Yeshiva World reported.
At the family court, the mother argued they if her children are raised in The Netherlands by her husband and are not sent to Jewish schools, they will assimilate and live as non-Jews.
The woman is not Shomer Shabbat or Jewishly observant.
The family court upheld international law and ruled in favor of the children’s father, ordering the mother to return to the Netherlands with her two children immediately, and giving custody to the children’s father.
The Tel Aviv District Court overturned that ruling.
Attorney Yaakov Halprin, who represented the woman before the District Court, reportedly told the daily newspaper HaMevaser that that he consulted with haredi leader Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky about the case.
Halprin said he asked Kanievsky if he had to make a strong legal effort to help the woman, considering that she isn’t Shomer Shabbat or Jewishly observant.
Halprin reportedly said that Kanievsky replied that, “there is no doubt that we must do everything possible [to help her keep her children here and away from their non-Jewish father]. After a victorious ruling we must act to bring her closer to following Torah and mitzvot. Therefore, the next stage [in this saga, indoctrinating her and her children to haredi Judaism] is our responsibility [to make happen, not hers].”