Embarrassed by the sex abuse trial of Rabbi Nechemya Weberman, an unlicensed "counselor" of "troubled" teen age girls, Satmar leaders are reportedly looking at a different way to deal with rebellious teens – shipping them out of the country and away from prying eyes for treatment.
Rabbi Nechemya Weberman, accused of sexually abusing a "troubled" Satmar girl beginning when she was 12-years-old
Simone Weischelbaum of the NY Daily News reports:
Embarrassed by the sex abuse trial of a Hasidic counselor, leaders of Williamsburg’s pious Satmar sect are considering a different way to deal with rebellious teens: shipping them out of the country for treatment.
The idea comes as the jury weighs charges against the counselor, Nechemya Weberman, who prosecutors said molested a then-12-year-old girl referred to him because she wore supposedly indecent clothing, read People magazine and questioned God’s authority in a religious school class.
Without addressing the allegations against Weberman, a Satmar official told the Daily News that leaders are considering ways to avoid similar accusations by victims.
“This was a wakeup call; nobody denies that,” said Gary Schlesinger, who heads a nonprofit tied to Satmar leader Rabbi Aaron Teitelbaum.
“Maybe we will send them to an Israeli program or a European program, and the kid will come back a different person.”…