Speaking on Zev Brenner's radio show last night, Brooklyn's district attorney Charles Hynes said he would not work with the upstate Satmar Rebbe Aharon Teitelbaum because of Teitelbaum's demonization of Rabbi Nechemya Weberman's teenage victim. He will, however, work with the Williamsburg Satmar Rebbe, Zalaman Teitelbaum – whose followers also demonized the girl and harassed her family.
The two Satmar Rebbes with the Pupa Rebbe and Rabbi Israel Hagar
I didn't hear the show because Zev's listen phone line wasn't working. But the common reports are that Hynes said that he would not work with the upstate Stamar Rebbe Aharon Teitelbaum because of Teitelbaum's demonization of Rabbi Nechemya Weberman's teenage victim. He will, however, work with the Williamsburg Satmar Rebbe, Zalaman Teitelbaum.
This jibes with what he said previously in closer proximity to Aharon Teitelbaum's likening of Weberman's child victim to a prostitute.
The reality is that Hynes shouldn't be "working with" wither rebbe, both of whom actively endorse the demonization of victims and their families and oppose – and therefore stop – reporting crimes like child rape to police.
What Hynes should be doing is prosecuting the miscreant brothers for obstruction of justice, not trying to get Zalamn Teitelbaum's bloc vote.
But that would be far beyond the ability and ethics of Charles Hynes.