The psychiatrist, who lives in the Beit HaKerem neighborhood, allegedly sold haredim official medical opinions stating that they were not mentally fit to serve in the Israel Defense Forces. This allowed these haredim to receive a psychiatric discharge.
Psychiatrist Illegally Helped 5,000 Haredim Dodge The Draft
Shmarya Rosenberg •
Police in Israel have arrested a Jerusalem psychiatrist accused of helping haredim dodge the draft, Yeshiva World reports.
The psychiatrist, who lives in the Beit HaKerem neighborhood, allegedly sold haredim official medical opinions stating that they were not mentally fit to serve in the Israel Defense Forces. This allowed these haredim to receive a psychiatric discharge.
Haredim allegedly bought the expert medical opinions for 600 NIS each (about $155).
A haredi community activist who is known for getting draft deferments for haredim, reportedly told Kikar Shabbat that, “we wondered why police did not arrest her a long time ago. She is known to everyone and has probably already helped 5,000 haredi yeshiva students [dodge the draft].”
The psychiatrist was released on bail with restrictions.
The investigation against her continues.
[Hat Tip: Seymour.]