Students will be taught by their teachers that “the rabbi has the final word…They will be educated to hate the secular courts, they will listen to Rabbi Ovadia [Yosef] who says [those secular courts and the judges who sit on them, even if personally Orthodox] are wicked.…We have a window of opportunity of five years to pass a constitution before these very same children who learn to prefer the rabbi [over democratic civil society] will decide the character of the State of Israel."
Speaking at a conference on the disregard a growing number of Israelis have for Israel's court system, Tzipi Livni, the former opposition leader who headed the Kadima Party before it drove itself off a cliff by electing Shaul Mofaz as its new head several months ago, reportedly had this to say.
As the new school year opens, 40% of the students – haredim and some of the right wing Zionist Orthodox, primarily the West Bank settlers – will be taught by their teachers that:
“the rabbi has the final word…They will be educated to hate the secular courts, they will listen to Rabbi Ovadia [Yosef] who says [those secular courts and the judges who sit on them, even if personally Orthodox] are wicked.…We have a window of opportunity of five years to pass a constitution before these very same children who learn to prefer the rabbi [over democratic civil society] will decide the character of the State of Israel. We must pass a constitution that will determine the national values of the state, a democratic Jewish state. This is the struggle and we mustn’t sweep it under the carpet.”
Sadly, I don't think Israel will listen to her until it's (almost) too late.