A haredi Israel Defense Forces solder was reportedly expelled from the Toldos Avarahm Yitzchak synagogue and study hall in Beit Shemesh today, after he tried to pray there while wearing his uniform.
Haredi Soldier Evicted From Synagogue
Shmarya Rosenberg • FailedMessiah.com
A haredi Israel Defense Forces solder was reportedly expelled from the Toldos Avarahm Yitzchak synagogue and study hall in Mea Shearim Beit Shemesh today, after he tried to pray there while wearing his uniform.
The soldier was told to keep out by a Toldos Avraham Yitzchak scholar who reportedly told the soldier that, “you are wearing the Zionist military uniform and therefore you cannot
enter and daven in a beis medrash which flies the flag of anti-Zionism."
But because it was already 10:00 am, the solder could not find another morning minyan, prayer quorum, in Mea Shearim Beit Shemesh.
So the soldier tried to enter the Toldos Avraham Yitzchak synagoge to pray with its minyan despite the scholar’s warning.
When the soldier entered, the scholar reportedly assaulted him and screamed, “Get out, tuma! [Get out, ritually impure object!]” and drove him out of the synagogue-study hall.
The soldier left the building and prayed alone outside in a courtyard. The other Toldos Avarahm Yitzchak kollel and yeshiva students did not intercede for him.
Haredi neighborhood residents were reportedly upset by how the soldier was treated but their objection were ignored by Toldos Avarahm Yitzchak’s students.
[Hat Tip: Burich.]