A very senior Agudath Israel of America official allegedly sexually abused at least one child in the 1950s. That child? Philip Fishman, who briefly writes about that molestastion, which allegedly took place on Shabbat at the entrance to Agudath Israel's Brooklyn synagogue building. The molester? Well, we don't officially know who he is because Fishman chose to hide his identity by using a psuedonym.
In A Sukkah Is Burning, his memoir of growing up in Williamsburg just published by Mill City Press, Philip Fishman calls the Agudah leader who allegedly molested him "Glatt" to protect Glatt's family.
Fishman was 11-year-old. It was Shabbos. The "middle aged" "charismatic" Agudah leader pinned him against a doorpost and used his knee to fondle Fishman's genitals.
For those who know Agudah's history and are familiar with any "charismatic" "middle aged" male leaders of Agudah who would have been active when Fishman was a child – especially leaders whith very short last names who might be lauded by haredi hagiographers and who may be a sacred totem of Agudah's hagiography – just by reading this paragraph you know who this man is.
I've only seen the one page except of the book posted below, and was waiting for a review copy before posting.
But UOJ bought the book and beat me to it yesterday.
At any rate, as the popular saying in the haredi world goes, hamayvin yavin.